The Ilda Family is Composed of The “Exchangers.”

They deal primarily in the great play of exchange and interchange of ideas, products, social and political concepts. They are travelers, carrying with them the ideas of one country to another, mixing cultures, religions, attitudes, political structures. They are explorers, merchants, soldiers, missionaries, sailors. They are often members of crusades.


Throughout the ages they have served as the spreaders of ideas, the assimilators. They(The Ilda) turn up everywhere. They were pirates and slaves as well, historically speaking. They are often primarily involved in social changes. In our time they may be diplomats, as they were also in the past. Their characteristics are usually those of the adventuresome. Very seldom do they live in one place for long, although they may if their occupation deals with products from another land. individually they may seem highly diverse in nature, one from the other, but we will not find them as a rule in universities as teachers. We might find them as archaeologists in the field, however.


A good many salesmen belong in this (Ilda) category. In our terms they may be cosmopolitan, and often wealthy, so that frequent travel is possible. On the other hand, however, in certain frameworks, a humble merchant in a small country who travels through nearby cities might also belong to this family. They are interested in the outsides of things, social mores, the marketplace, current popular religious ideas. They spread these from place to place. They are the seed-carriers, both literally and figuratively.


They can be “con men,” selling products supposed to have miraculous values, blinding the local populace with their city airs. Yet even then they will be bringing with them the aura of other ideas, often inserting into closed areas concepts with which others are already familiar.

The members of this family of consciousness provide frequent new options. They may be scientists, or the strictest kind of conventional missionaries abroad in alien lands. In our present time they are sometimes Indians (from India, that is), or Africans or Arabs, journeying to our civilization. They add to the great flow of communication. They may be emotional rather than intellectual, as we understand those terms, but they are restless, usually on the move. They can be actors, also.


In the past some (Ilda) have been great courtesans, and even though they were not able to travel physically, they were at the heart of communication– that is, a part of court life, or involved with diplomats who did travel.

Many of the courtesans who rule the salons of Europe belonged in the (Ilda) category. The Crusades involved great movement of this family, in which trade and commerce, and the exchange of political ideas, were far more important than the religious aspects. Some members of this family served as initiators of new orders in the (Catholic) church in the past–the worldly Jesuits, for example, and some of the more sophisticated popes, who had a fine eye out for commerce and wealth. These people may be appreciators of fine art, but usually for its commercial value.

Now we can often find then in the departments of government, in these areas where travel is involved, or in finance. They frequently enjoy, intrigue. All in all, they mix mores.

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