Category Archives: Energy


The New Age canon has a source that is as ancient as the Earth herself. We call this source the Ancient Wisdom. In great cycles of expression, at appropriate times in our history, this information rises up within the collective consciousness and insists on acknowledgement. Naturally it is the expressive among us who first heed this call. You are prompted by these impulses to express yourself, to express your vision. It is no coincidence, therefore, when the visionary content shows similarities across vastly different populations from all over our Earth.

Look around us at our modern media. In every country of the world we will find the visionary artists creating their works for the highest good of all. The essence of these works is the same regardless of the tongue or the territory. From the collective consciousness of All That Is, the ancient truths are finding a voice, right when material is needed the most.


We are in our systems to learn how to use energy to create what we want…

The New Age Canon

” I am on Earth to be happy.” “It all works out for the best.” “There are no accidents.” “Everything happens for a reason.” “Each cloud has a silver lining.” ” There is an inner world that gives birth to the outer.” “You create your own reality.” These are some of our modern sayings from the New Age, metaphysical, and spiritual genres of literature. They each have sense of magic about them, do they not? The very notion that, “You create your own reality” holds within it the presumption of power, of fertile creative energy.

Now I have some good news for you. If you subscribe to these magical Precepts you are certainly on the right track in your evolution. For you ARE on Earth to be happy, Dear Blog Reader. This is quite true. And we do create our own reality, what we now call the Personal Reality Field in my Blogs. Specifically, we are in our system to learn how to use energy to create what we want, what we desire.

I speak to you from a particular perspective, one that is outside of our much theorized space/time continuum. I see that some may doubt this statement. Some will fear that you are in your dimension to suffer and experience pain and disappointment – at least for the better part of the journey – on the way to another highly theorized locale you call “heaven.” This limited perception is a gift from our ancestors and others who have taught us through religious conditioning the “benefits” and perhaps “Spirituality” of Lack.

We could say that these New Age concepts answer the question, “Why am I on Earth?” in a very affirmative fashion. This movement, indeed, is a response to the naysayers, those who have controlled us for many hundreds of years. The New Age emphasize the Virtues of Humanity, the experiencing of Love and pleasure by everyone, healthy self-esteem with an absence of shame, guilt, and the other detrimental states of consciousness. I think that we can immediately sense how this perspective – we shall call it the Visionary Perspective – challenges the status quo espoused by our governments, our mainstream religions, our military establishments, our Negative Media, and other authorities.


We are now referring to my new Blog material as a Teaching, as a Path of Awakening. It is a path toward independence, generally, away from authority figures and towards a realization that the answers to all questions are to be found within the personal consciousness: your personal consciousness. As a student of your own existence, you are expected to examine your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors as a scientist would, a Scientist of Consciousness. Because you are studying yourself, objectively, Lovingly, you will observe instances of denial, intellectualization, cynicism, egoic pontifications, and so on. The negative emotions are noted, their origins identified, as plans are implemented to transform these negative states of consciousness into their opposites.

This is the crux of the matter. The student of the Personal Reality attempts to fine-tune the expression of Reality Creation for the highest good of all. Why “the highest good of all ?” When you make your Transition do you wish to die alone, or with the entirety of existence – the Universe – supporting you?

Now please observe that I am addressing you as a particular type of human. Obviously there may be Blog Readers who are not on-board with us in these arcane studies. These directions are not for this type. And this is where the concept of Resonance comes in quite profoundly. If this material does not Resonate with you on some level, if it does not pique your interest and compel you to read on, it is probably not for you. Resonance, you see. It is at the foundation of all activities in Reality Creation.

Let me remind you that we suggest continuous use of the Ritual of Sanctuary as you perfect your Practice and carry out your Regimens. The Ritual of Sanctuary is explained in previous Blogs.


We have a saying:”There is a reason for everything.” This statement is quite close in meaning to another of my favorites: “There are no accidents.” Indeed, there ARE reasons for everything. There are spiritual reasons for each and every behavior, emotion, and thought created by the human being. Dear Blog Reader, this series, as well as all of the other Blog Series I have written since 2014, is a Blog on spirituality.

I hope I have not frightened you away with my revelation. I am quite aware that the term may bring up uncomfortable images and emotions for some of my Blog Readers. However, because there are no accidents, we simply assume that you are reading this Blog for very good reasons. Perhaps you were prompted by “impulse” to pick this particular Blog and read it online. Perhaps you were drawn to the image of this Blog in some search engine on the Internet or elsewhere. Perhaps you are a longtime Blog Reader of the current Blog material. Whatever the case with you, I realize that it is my job, as the host here, to catch your attention in the moment, and then hopefully keep your mental awareness focused in my direction long enough to get the message I am attempting to convey to you. I take my job quite seriously. The message is, also, of a serious nature.

Now whether you are just beginning to explore the non-physical world or whether you are an old hand at these adventures, I will know I am successful when you make the Courageous and Loving gesture toward learning the Lessons of physical reality in a conscious and deliberate fashion. Spirituality is just that, you see. It is really quite simple. That is why we call it waking up. We are waking up to our true reality: a reality of the moment-to-moment learning of Lessons.


Does this or that civilization, though, exist in fact, you may ask? Does our Western civilization or our American empire exist? These are philosophical propositions. For the more we explore our Personal Reality in an attempt to find proofs, the more we find that all is composed of consciousness.

Now consciousness, as we know, and as some of our more conscious scientists also know, is limitless. Being limitless it achieves any form. In this view, do you see that the possibility exists for not only these few theorized cultures we describe in this Blog to exist, but for ALL permutations into physical form, of any and all probable social, political, and spiritual constructs to exist? All possible civilizations exist. Period. All thoughts or images entertained by humans seek our fulfillment in the form of Reality Constructs, including civilizations.

We may take this as a disclaimer, if you wish. Yet it is, you must admit, an intensely empowering disclaimer. It is empowering for YOU the individual explorer of consciousness.



Now we ARE living all our lives at once, here. We are now musing on the possibility of a better life for ourselves, dreaming. However, with a slight altering of perception we could, if properly motivated, Tune-In on our life in a probable reality in which we are experiencing a predominance of the common good, everyone “winning,” and so on.

We are an authority on our current existence. We know more about it than any other being. In just this way, we are also an authority on this other existence that is playing out in a probable “field” of experiencing of a Less-Than-Perfect reality to this probable reality, is the emotional state we describe as dreaming. We might also describe it as a pleasant longing. These are simple techniques here… dreaming, longing: you are essentially using your self-generated Positive emotional state as a homing device to Zero-In on the probable reality you desire. Your emotional tone will become quite positive when you do this properly.

When you indeed reached this Best-Case-Scenario life that you are living in a probable reality – remember, all probable realities are explored by your consciousness, in Perpetuity, you might say – imagine yourself luxuriating in the influences that create this positive reality. Soak up these Positive feelings.

The Positive manifestation ALWAYS exists for you as a probability. When you conduct this exercise, you divert your attention from your current moment of creating Less-Than-Satisfactory Reality Constructs, to the creation of positive, life-affirming, ecstasy-filled Reality Constructs. It only takes a moment to improve your reality in this way.


This movement in our time-frame represents a cyclical renovation of the world culture. It would not be over-simplifying too much here, to state that this movement is spurred by a bleed-through to the civilizations of our past that is being experienced by many millions of us. Again, the human race is at a very dangerous crossroads currently.

All of our structures that have previously held us together are disintegrating. The power elite that control our world’s resources are resisting any changes to their entitlement: their self-perceived ownership of our planet. As a collective, the Sumari family of consciousness is attempting to spread their influence throughout the world, allowing these potent ideas of change to energize the greater collective of humanity. It is a time of potential revolution we have before us, nationally and globally. We can sense this potential, can we not? The Ancient Wisdom is being remembered and honored. The rights of the individual are becoming paramount. The collective is becoming empowered as the inefficient social systems of the past regime fall away.

Remember here, this is how civilizations are created. It is always an inside phenomenon. Then non-physical world creates the outside physical world, always. The best practices, in a sense, that have created positive value for civilizations in our past, are being remembered. Therefore, go to our dreams and reveries and witness the Mystery Civilizations as they give birth to The New World. Help where you can, Dear Blog Reader.


However, specifically for our project here, we shall discuss the Sumari briefly. Because this group is primarily composed of the Vanguard we describe in the new Blog material – the Magicians, Shamans, Witches and Healers – I feel that we can once again speak of this group. It is germane to this discussion of the awakening of humanity, of The Shift in consciousness, of the remembering of the Ancient Wisdom, and other subjects we focus on in my new Blogs.

What has been called the New Age movement in literature, in the arts, in the social, political, and spiritual arenas, is being driven by the Sumari family of consciousness. We are always instigators of the beneficial and ENLIGHTENING movements of humankind. And so we are again gathering forces in our modern time frame to remember the Ancient Wisdom together.

Of course it is not enough to simply remember this material and reinforce it among ourselves in the Sumari collective. In order to be effective we must , as individuals and as a collective of do-gooders, see to it that our systems are transformed fo the highest good of all concerned. Simply: it is our duty to use Love with a capital in all of our behaviors to humanize all of the domains of human interaction and development. This is what we do, you see, this is our modus operandi, so to speak.

To this end, some of us will carry out our duties overtly, as in the practice of the New Agers. We will act in public under the flag, so to speak, of the Sumari: the Lovers of humanity. Others of us that are indeed the reincarnation of this Sumari family, will act covertly, undercover, without fanfare, without notice, really, yet certainly with the same precise agendas as our colleagues: to co-create a Loving world for ourselves, our families, and for all humanity.


Mu is one of those lost civilizations that we as a race have created from several different civilizations. This Mystery Civilization existed as a prototypical culture within the collective of humanity’s imagination.

Now, every collective of humans, of animals, of insects and even of inanimate materials as we call them, every amalgam of Consciousness Units has a collective “vision” of itself. Of course, every conceivable vision of Mu exists within probable realities. For our purposes here in this explanation, let us think of the vision as just two fold: There is the “real time” vision, the idea on which is built the CURRENT “bedrock reality” that is experienced by the inhabitants, in this case, the humans of Mu. But it could as easily be the reality as experienced by the atoms that compose a rock upon our lawn. Anything and everything has consciousness and everything exists at once.

Now secondly, each collective, each Gestalt of Consciousness if you prefer, has a vision of the future – an idealized dream or vision of where they would like to be in a future manifestation of their present culture. This future vision or vision of the future is fed by the best case scenarios entertained within the mental environments of all participants in the collective.

Our Mu Civilization was just such an idealized society created on the mental plane of existence by the members of a civilization that existed in certainly a far less idealized manner, if I may say so.


And now a sideroad: If you were to think of the World Civilization as you are experiencing it now, what would come to mind for you? Many thoughts and images come to mind, I am sure. Now to get a feeling for Lemuria, simply consider the underside, the unspoken reality of our progressed modern culture. In other words, for every remarkable technological advance, let us say, in our modern world, there is a corresponding remarkable advance in this underworld with regards to the natural, non-synthesized, expressions of technological improvement.

You would have, for example, the proliferation of advanced forms of communication in this exterior world of the modern Earth, and on the interior, in the land of Lemuria, you might see the counterpart to this technological advance in form of superior expressions of telepathy, natural communications, you see, that do not require the sophisticated instruments developed by the modern human. This is a science of mind as compared to a science of machine, here. Another way we have described this is that what we see in the Third Dimension as the Underworld or non-physical reality, is in Lemuria, the ongoing physical reality: the only thing there is, you see. The outer world or 3D Reality is expressed inwardly in the non-physical world of Lemuria in every way, shape, and instance.

These are difficult concepts to express, however, I believe it would help if you would let go of the idea that the non-physical worlds or dimensions look exactly like the myths and other stories of the imagination expressed in our movies and other media. You might even have an advantage if you were to dispense completely with the name Lemuria, for this name is not the one accepted currently.


Let me use this exercise in a different way here in our discussion of the Mystery Civilizations. Now: you look in front of you wherever you happen to be. Dorian (my wife), for example, is looking in front of her desk table on which she writes on her computer in the room looking out to the woods behind our house. Dorian sees a beautiful landscape before her: the Sheep Mountains, many fir trees and some walnut trees, the other homes in the area as well as a glimpse of the beautiful lake that lies a mile or so away. This is what Dorian sees, and you Dear Blog reader, naturally are seeing something else in front of you. Now for my point….

What you see in front of you is your view of All That Is, interpreted through your Lessons, your beliefs, your issues. So you seeing what it is possible for you to see here, according to your beliefs. If you are of a modern mindset or cosmology, I would guess that your perceptions, do not include non-physical beings emerging from the trees, or gigantic crystal transmitters sparkling in the distance. Briefly, what we are saying is this: your perception of your current existence is a focus ON your current existence, yet it could just as easily become a focus on your existence within, for example, the Mystery Civilization of Atlantis, in which we assert there does indeed exist gigantic, black crystal transmitters and receivers. Or let us say you change your focus a bit and pick up on your existence in an aboriginal culture in which you did indeed perceive the Spirits of trees and other objects. You could see the personalization of the spirit energies and you communicated with them.

Now let me be blunt. We have suggested that space and time are mere conveniences for us in Third-Dimensional Reality. They are useful for those of us creating lives within the linear time conceptualization. Yet ALL of our existences are “out there in front of us,” right where we are now. In other words, you need not travel to France to tune-in to a life you lived in Paris in the 17th Century. Because of the telepathic holographic nature of the Conscious Units that comprise your reality, everything exists at once, and so all of our lives, including those lived in the Mystery Civilizations, exist at once, all in the same “place” at the same “time.”

This is a difficult concept to embody, perhaps, and so I shall go further here. Our world, your personal Reality Field, is an illusion, Dear Blog Reader. We create it out of “whole cloth,” to coin a phrase, through the energies of our Soul Self. Yet the life we are living does seem solid and convincing, does it not? Your life seems to be more than a group of ideas. It is convincing, it is authentic, it is a realistic portrayal of your Issues in dramatic form in physical reality.

It is convincing enough to keep us focused in the current existence and not spinning off into some Simultaneous Life we are living elsewhere in another time. Yet the boundaries of space and time are loosening with these practices we are teaching. Slowly, I am sure, most of us are learning how to keep a foot in both worlds. Now for some experimentation…

Not each and every single one of you, the Blog Readers of this new Blog material, have experienced lives in the GA society. However, most of you have done just that. Before we have an experiment that we first offered in our Blog material on Soul Evolution in general attempt to contact the Mystery Civilizations, consider this: do you tend to be a lover or a hater; a mystic or a cynic; a student or soldier; a helper or a taker? Are you intuitive or do you fancy yourself an “empirical” scientific observer of the event before you? Do you see where I am taking this? If you do, let us now have pour experiment, with the specific purpose of tuning-in on probable lives lived in the Mystery Civilization we are calling GA.


HYPOTHESIS: Using your Intent in the moment-point allows you to tune-in on other time frames.

Here we are using the term “tuning-in” in specific way. This relates to our suggestion in the last Blog. that the researcher in experimentation with the non-physical reality, use the essential metaphors. Tuning-in refers to the Radio Dial metaphor that we offer as a simple, powerful visualized device that will allow you to ritually bring in the frequencies of the non-physical beings, for example, in a sense, tuning-in on their waveband. This technique works quite well also with the Simultaneous Lives. It is simply a personalized metaphor that you may use to give some context to these metaphorical pursuits. Of course, you may use your own techniques, if that serves the purpose here. Let us begin.

Then simply relax. We are assuming you have, as my student, created a Ritual of Sanctuary for yourself, so that you may safely and without anxiety or fear or any kind, explore non-physical reality.


If you have yet to create this Ritual, please envision golden, protective field around your physical body construct. Nothing harmful may enter this field. You are therefore protected, and you may even take this protective state with you in your outings in waking reality.

So relax and move your body in such a way as to elicit relaxation. You are in your state if Sanctuary. You may now surrender to the healing forces of your greater consciousness, your Soul Self. As you let go in this way, the good feelings build within you. You can feel the ecstasy below the surface that supports you in your Earthly existence. This quest is a very natural one for you. You have been doing these type of experiments for many lifetimes. You are the type of person that enjoys finding our about your unknown lives. And so you can easily use your Intent here to direct you.

Focusing on your goal, allow yourself to drift slowly and easily toward a recognition of the life you are living in GA. This is a matriarchy. The feminine principle, as you understand it, is accentuated within your personal consciousness. Tune-in that sense of affirmation for the feminine, perhaps visualizing a radio dial before you, and seeing the dial turn to making GA. As you turn the dial, images may come to mind. You may hear voices and feel a variety of emotions. Keep our Intent on traveling toward the good feelings generated in GA on your radio dial. The good feelings may now grow noticeably. This may signify that you have reached your goal. With your Intent, stop your voyage and rest within the good feelings.

If you have reached your destination: look down at your feet. What type of shoes are you wearing? Look around you. What do you see? Find a mirror or something else that will reflect your image and look at your reflection. Are you a male or female? What age are you? And what is your name? Do you remember the Sumari language?

You will have complete recall of all that you are experiencing. When you come up to surface awareness, you will easily be able to remember what you have experienced here.

You may certainly use this experiment when exploring any of the Mystery Civilization we have noted in this blog series. The techniques are the same. Simply focus with your Intent on the name of the Mystery Civilization and the feelings emanating from that Mystery Civilization. Each Mystery Civilization has a distinctive vibratory signature that you may tune-in to with your human consciousness. These energy signatures create their own distinctive emotional states. You will, of necessity, have to experiment with these states and follow your own Inner Guidance in these matters.

When you have finished your investigations for this experiment, gradually return to surface awareness. Document your Findings