Children Trying Out Dreams

Children actually try out in dreams the various courses open the them.


We may act out many probabilities within dream reality and try out alternatives, and not necessarily short-term ones. We would have made an excellent doctor, for example. In our terms, we worked out this possibility by weaving, over a period of three years, a dream framework in which we learned exactly what our life would have been, had we gone into medicine.


This was more than imaginative. We examined one probability and chose another. The individual, then, chooses which probabilities he or she desires to actualize physically. In one such episode, for example, we followed our present course through; therefore, we are subconsciously aware of our own ‘future’ — since we chose it. There are always new choices, however. We foresee the future of possibilities within the main choice system.


In our present life, the same process continues. Most of these dreams are very disconnected from the ego and will not be recalled. The self who pursues these divergent paths is actual, however. The doctor we might have been once dreamed of a probable universe in which he or she would be an artist. He or she continues to work out his or her own probabilities. He of she exists in fact. We call his or her system an alternate system of probability, but this is precisely what he or she would call ours.


Now we will have some experiences that are shared in the dream state. They will be involved with episodes familiar to us both before we went our separate ways. We are like two limbs from the same tree. We recognize the same mother.


The dreams we will have and have had in shared experience are root dreams. They serve as a method of maintaining inner identity and communication. Projections can also occur from these — that is, we may, for example, project into the life of the doctor.


Reincarnation is but a part of this probability system, the part that falls within our particular universe. There are also root dreams shared by the race as a whole. Most of these are not as symbolic as Jung thought them to be but are literal interpretations of the abilities used by the inner self. For that matter, as we know, flying dreams need not be symbolic of anything. They can be valid experiences, though often intermixed with other dream elements. Falling dreams are also simple experience in many instances, representing downward motion, or a loss of form-control during projection

Dream Selves and Probable Selves

The dreaming self has its own memories. It has memory of all dream experience. To us, this might mean that it has memory of its past, and indeed, to us, memory itself is dependent upon a past or the term seems meaningless. To the dreaming self, however, past, present and future do not exist. How can it be said to have memory?



All experience is basically simultaneous. The dreaming self is aware of its experience in its entirety. We obviously, are not. We are hardly familiar with our dream experience and barely aware of its significance.

The dreaming self is to some considerable degree aware of the probable self. There is give-and-take between the two, for much data is received by the dreaming self from the probable self– the self that experiences what the ego would call probable events.


This data is often wound by the dream self into a dream drama which informs the subconscious of dangers or of probable success of any given event which is being considered by the subconscious for physical actuality. Were it not for the experience of this probable self, and for its information given via the dreaming self to the subconscious, then it would be most difficult for the ego to come to any clear decisions in daily life. The ego does not realize the data that is being constantly fed into it. It cannot afford to, generally, since it’s focused energy must be used in the manipulation of physical actuality.


This probable self has operated in each reincarnation, in each materialization of the personality, and has at its command literally millions of probable situations and conditions upon which to make value judgements. Of itself, however, it does not make the decision as to whether or not a particular event will be made physical. It merely passes on the information that it has received through experience.


This information is sifted often through the dreaming self to the subconscious which has intimate knowledge of the ego with which it is closely connected. The subconscious makes its own judgements and passes these on with the data. Then the ego makes its decision. In some cases, the ego refuses to make the decision, and it is done by the subconscious. On occasion, when an unwise decision is made by the ego, the subconscious will change it.


The probable self can be reached through hypnosis but only with excellent subjects and operators. Often it will not be recognized, however, for there will be no evidence of its experience in physical reality to back up its statements. Its data will agree when considered within its own framework. Reaching it in this manner would be highly difficult in any case. To my knowledge, it has not as yet been reached through hypnosis. It has been glimpsed but not recognized as a separate part of the self — in dream recordings and analytic sessions.


Again, these portions of the self exist in each reincarnation. In the materialization of personality through various reincarnations only the ego and layers of personal subconscious adapt new characteristics. Other portions retain their experience, identity, and knowledge. The ego, if fact, receives much of its stability because of this retention. Were it not for experiences in other lives on the part of deeper layers of the self, the ego would find it almost impossible to relate to other individuals, and the cohesive nature of society would not exist.



If you would have some idea of what the probable universe is like, then examine your own dreams, looking for those events which do not have any strong resemblance to the physical events of waking existence. Look for dream individuals with whom you are not acquainted in normally conscious life. Look for landscapes that appear bizarre or alien, for all of these exist somewhere. You have perceived them. They do not exist in the space that you know but neither are they non-existent, mere imaginative toys of the dreaming mind, without substance.


You may not be able to make sense from what appears to be a chaotic jungle of disconnected images and actions. The main reason for your confusion is the inability of an egotistical identity to perceive order that is not based upon continuity of moments. The order within the probable system is based upon something that could be compared to subjective associations or intuitive flashes of insight — experiences that can combine ingredients that could appear to the ego as disconnected. Here they are combined into whole integrated patterns of action.


The probable system does not achieve its order through subjective association, but the term is the nearest I can use to approximate the basic causes for this order. The events within it are, indeed, objective and concrete within their own field of reality, for example. Our own system is real and concrete only within its own field, remember.


In sleep, not only do we withdraw from the physical field of actuality but we also enter other systems.

Living Time

Great as things are, there is a totality of experience and sensation that includes all, a vortex that contains and transforms infinite parts. I know that of which I speak. Yet, each minute event immeasurably  increases not only itself but all other events, bringing into birth by its own actualization an infinitude of novus actions and events, an unfolding or multi-dimensionalizing of itself, an initiation into dimensionalization. For all versions and possibilities of each event must be actualized in the limitless multiplication of creativity.


And warping outward from each act are a million openings, roads traveled and experienced by the soul, naturally and spontaneously following its attributes.


Any one moment in physical time then is a warp, opening into these other dimensional of actuality, and any one moment can be used as a passageway or bridge. The act of crossing will be reflected in a million other worlds, but these reflections will be themselves alive and the act of perceiving itself will create still another vortex of actualization.


Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust — a sliding off of.


Each probable event is changed by each other probable event. There is constant simultaneous interaction. These ‘separate’ probable systems do not operate isolated from each other, then, but are intimately connected. All systems are open. The physical moment is transparent, though we give it a time-solidity. We see it as opaque.


Attention can be shifted from any physical moment to any probable moment by a sideways parallel imaginative thrust, a sideling off of focus, if the mind can get over its fear of dying to itself.

In what other worlds, for example, do we sit writing these blogs?


Slide imaginatively into a world where we do not perform the next small action  we will perform in this world. Cough, smile, sneeze — in some other actuality our actions are non-actions and our non-acts are realized.


Greet the now-realization of all of your dreams, for they also participate in the probable system. As our dreams bleed into our normal conscious life, so do they bleed into other probabilities. A dream act is actualized by a waking ‘I’, as a waking ‘I’ is actualized by a dreaming self.


The soul is too great to know itself, yet each individual portion of the soul seeks this knowledge and in the seeking creates new possibilities of development, new dimensions of actuality. The individual self at any given moment can connect with its soul. There is initially a sidewall movement of consciousness, a dropping away sensation.


We step sideways, as though we are squeezing between two bars. We attempt to save even the shadows of ourselves, and we create light in even the darkest recesses of our own hidden fragments. To that extent and in those terms, we are our own redeemers.

So one portion of the self lends a helping hand to another, in the same way that I give my blog readers a helping hand.


What I want to explain here is that the communications do not just operate in a vertical, ascending or descending fashion, but horizontally, in those terms.


The experience brings up several points that have not been discussed in previous blogs in connection with probabilities. Because we are born physically into our system, we take it for granted without thinking of it that we are born in the same manner into other systems. This may or may not apply, but it is definitely not applicable to the system of probabilities as a whole.

Energy created in such a fashion, as we know, cannot be negated and must continue along its own lines of development.


From this standpoint these are fragment personalities; therefore, they have our memories up to that point of their initiation, and they continued of from there. Such personalities can be created and are created under varying conditions too many enumerate.


Unconsciously, we are aware of their progress, as unconsciously they are aware of ours. We see to it that they will be helped. Remember that regardless of anything, we give them existence and consciousness, a gift of creativity, and potentials that they will try in their own way to fulfill. Their experiences have been different from ours. Their fulfillment, when they achieve it, will, therefore, be of a different nature, bringing out facets of activity that will not exist in our circumstances.


Now, in the life of each personality there are, of course, moments of deep crisis and decision, where a personality decides upon one of various possible choices. These moments are not necessarily conscious at all, and the choices are not necessarily conscious, though often they rise to consciousness. But by then, the inner work and decision has been done.


This is the next line of our development, however. We clear away debris. We give ourselves psychic breathing space so that our creative abilities could arise, and see that the way was open.


It’s one thing to accept the idea of probable systems and probable selves selves as an exciting intellectual concept, and quite another to accept the practical considerations involved if we think of probabilities as plain facts or existence. Through our experiences, the concept becomes a reality with which we are confronted.

Precognition, Clairvoyance and Mass Dreams

Each individual creates matter, including objects and his or her own image. Coherence, illusion of permanency, placement in space, mass and color are all arrived at and agreed upon in the ways already explained in previous blogs. Telepathic communication is one of the methods by which such agreement is reached.


Long ago, primary and secondary constructions were explained. I emphasized that each individual perceives only his own physical constructions. Basically, there is no difference between telepathy and clairvoyance. The apparent difference is the result of an inadequate understanding of the nature of time. The important fact in both cases is that information is received that does not come through normal sense channels.


When an individual clairvoyantly ‘sees’ an event, this is what happens: First he forgets the concept of continual moments that usually hampers perception. His or her perception changes focus so that he or she is aware of an event that otherwise would seem to be in the future. Unconsciously, as always, he or she constructs material objects in line with the available data.


It goes without saying, then, that he or she helps to form the clairvoyantly perceived event, just as he or she helps construct any event in the present. The agreement as to physical dimensions is reached in the same manner as usual.


Sense data is not basically dependent upon the physical body. The mind can bypass the senses and receive data in a more direct manner, translating what it perceives automatically, as it translates ordinary sense data.


Under ordinary circumstances, data is received through the physical senses and then interpreted by the brain. When a clairvoyant event is perceived, the data is received by the mind, then given to the brain which then interprets it. The physical body becomes aware of it, but the senses have actually been bypassed. The interpretation is made, however, in the same way as it usually is. Otherwise, the information would not register for the physical organism.


Actually, of course, much information perceived directly by the mind does bypass the physical organism completely. In some such cases, the subconscious does receive the data. In other cases, it is not recorded in any way within the physical system but is recorded at deeper layers of the self.


Even this data is available to the subconscious, however, if the need for it arises. Before it can be used by the physical organism, it must first be taken from the deeper layers to the brain for interpretation, as if it were new sense data.


In the dream state, we smell odors that are not in the physical room. The memory of these is imprinted and registered by the body as faithfully and realistically as any ‘real’ odor. The experience becomes a part of buried memory and may be recovered through hypnosis. Sometimes it may arise spontaneously.

There are many kinds of mass or shared dreams. For now, we will be concerned with mass dreams that have an almost universal nature; that is, dreams  that are shared at one time or another by the majority of living persons on our planet.


This particular kind of dream is concerned with working out certain problems concerning physical reality. The dreams usually are not precognitive, although they might appear to be, since many of the dream events will later occur. They are not precognitive, however, because in a large measure they bring about or cause the later events.


They occur, comparatively speaking, just above that layer which Jung refers to as the collective unconscious. If we could tune into these dreams, we would have a good idea of the main events of the future because we would see them being born. They are concerned with significant events that affect many countries. They represent deep intents, wishes and purposes. At times they have immense power to bring about world-shaking changes of beneficial or destructive nature.


One individual is more important than we have ever dreamed, however, for the intensity and intent are important. One man or woman passionately willing good or evil can overbalance literally a hundred men or women. And in the dream state, also, leaders can be born and make themselves known. The people already know them in mass dreams before they are recognized in physical reality.

Precognition and Association

Association is not clearly understood, because psychologists, at present, believe that it works only in connection with past events. They also underestimate dream events, for many associations are the result of events that happen in the dream state, where the mind continues its associative processes.


Any given personal association may originate from a dream event, as well as from a past waking one. Psychologists, generally speaking, have not yet accepted the theories of our own physicists, and they continue to consider time as a series of moments. The inverted time system recognizes the actual nature of time. There is room in it for a rather complete explanation of the mind’s associative processes. The mind, as opposed to the brain, perceives in terms of a spacious present. Therefore, it draws its associations not only from our present and past but also from our future.


Take an example: Dorian X, becomes ill whenever he smells a certain perfume. He does not know the reason. An Online Psychologist Australia (or any country for that matter) might explain the reaction by presuming that some unpleasant event from the past was connected with his perception of the perfume. The explanation is a good possible one; however, it is often the only one that would be considered.


Dorian may be reacting to an unpleasant event experienced in the dream state in which the upsetting situation was accompanied by the particular odor. But he could also be reacting to a future event of the same nature, for again, the mind does not break time into a series of moments. This is done by the physical brain.


The ego, as a rule, is not aware of this broader time experience, but the subconscious often is; and associative processes of the mind can and do react to the future. Therefore, it is possible for our Dorian to becomes ill this year at the smell of a particular perfume because, say, subconsciously he knows that in 2022 his mother will be wearing it when she dies. The associative processes work both forward and backward.