In our esoteric literature there is much talk of the Perfected Human and the best means to achieve that state of development. Here in this current blog work, we are exploring similar territory with regards to the transformation of the “baser” human aspects – anger, fear, hatred – into their divine counterparts – love, understanding and courage. In many ways, my teaching has been a continuation of these esoteric studies and philosophies initiated by humans in our perceived past.
I must add, that these humans were in close touch with their Energy Personalities and other Guides, as they created these great works of “inspired” literature. It seems obvious to me given what I have described for you , but the whole of inspired literature is infused with the divine information imparted to human authors by Light Bodies.
Inspired ideas are , for the most part, just that – inspiration or spirit ideation or communication. Quite literally, our Guides, acknowledged as such or not, are responsible for most of the “spirited,” life-affirming ideas we have ever entertained or acted upon. Now this may seem to refute my other statements that the impulses conveyed by our Simultaneous Lives are what make up the great percentage of what we would call “the activity of the conscious mind. ” This remains true.
Beings of Light within this milieu of a collective consciousness, seed us mentally with inspired and beneficial ideas, images and feelings. There is no contradiction when we consider the vastness of human consciousness: the webwork of Simultaneous Lives contributing thought forms, our own individual Personal Reality consciousness and the lattice of Light Body communication that supports and nourishes it all upon a foundation of limitless creative energy that is All That Is.
Now such profound pronouncements may have the potential of leaving us feeling somewhat diminished. I would remind you then, that YOU are creating this Personal Reality Field of yours, in tandem with All that Is. You are the magician. You are the creative ally with the Divine who creates your part of the world, and as a member of the collective of humans, the world consensus reality.
And this brings up another salient point… many of us have NOT been listening to the voices of the Divine. Many of us have turned a deaf ear to the suggestions of Beings of Light. That is why we find ourselves in such a dire circumstances. So there is a balance. The perfected human is one who balances the input of divine information with their own Reality Creation agendas, within the greater dramas of learning one’s