Life is far from Inflexible

Returning to alternate compositions, we can at any time bring into our own life-composition elements from and “alternate” ones.
Some people structure their lives around their children, others around a career, or pleasure, or even pain. These are simply certain focuses that we choose, that direct our experience. We can add other focuses while still retaining our own identity–indeed, enriching it.

Sometimes we act as though one ability contradicts another. We think “I cannot be a good parent and a sexual partner to my mate at the same time.” To those who feel this way a definite contradiction seems implied. A woman might feel that the qualities of a mother almost stand in opposition to those of an exuberant sex mate at the same time.” To those who feel this way a definite contradictions seems implied. A woman might feel that the qualities of a mother almost stand in opposition to those of an exuberant sex mate. A man might imagine that fatherhood meant providing an excellent home and income. He might think that “aggressiveness,” competition, and emotional aloofness were required to perform that role. These would be considered in opposition to the qualities of love, understanding, and emotional support “required” of a husband. In actuality, of course, no such contradiction apply. In the same way, however, we often seem to feel that our identity is dependent upon a certain highly specific role, until other qualities quite out own seem threatening. They almost seem to be un-selflike.

To some degree we feel the same way when we encounter the concept of probable selves, or of counterparts. It is as though we had an unlimited bank of abilities and characteristics from which to draw, and yet were afraid of doing so–fearing that any addiction could make us less instead of more. If all of this goes on personally as we choose one melody and call it oneself, then perhaps we can begin to see the mass creative aspects in terms of civilizations that seem to rise and fall.

Apple Awareness

An apple can be red round, weigh so much, be good to eat, sit in a basket, but be natural on a tree. It can be tart or sweet. We can find one on the ground, or on the table, or in a pie. None of these things are contradictory to the nature of an apple. We do not ask: “How can an apple have color and be round at the same time?”

We can look at an apple and hold it in our hands, so it is obvious that its shape does not contradict its color. We see that an apple can be red or green or both. If I said: “Apples sit quietly on a table,” we would have to agree that such is sometimes the case. If I said: “Apples roll down grassy inclines,” we would again be forced to concede the point. It would be clear to us that none of these statements contradicted each other, for in different circumstances apples behave differently.
So far, we not hold our consciousness in our hand, however. When I speak of the behavior of our psyche, then, we may wonder: “How can my psyche exist in more than one time at once?” It can do this just as an apples can be found on a table or on the ground or on the tree.

The inside dimensions of consciousness cannot be so easily described, however. If we ask: How can I have reincarnational and probable selves at once?” , we are asking a question comparable to: “How can an apple have color and be round at the same time?”

Following this analogy, in the same way each psyche contains within it infinite notes, and each note is capable of its own endless creative variations. We follow one melody or oneself, and for some reason we seem to think that the true, full orchestra of oneself will some how drown us out.


When speaking in terms of counterparts, then, or reincarnational selves and probable selves, in the true symphony of our being we are violins, oboes, cymbals, harps–in other words, we are living instrument through, which we play oneself. We are not an instrument upon which we are played. We are the composer and the symphony. We play ballads, classical pieces, lyrics, operas. One creative performance does not contradict the others.


This does not mean that these people may not be creative, or organizers, or teachers, such as those who have completed advanced yoga teacher training courses and learned about the benefits of yoga and its potential healing powers. But, it potentially means that the primary slant of their consciousness will be directed to healing. We might find them as doctors and nurses, while not usually as hospital administrators. However, they may be psychics, social workers, psychologists, artists, or in the religions. They may work at flowers shops. They may work on assembly lines, for that matter, but if so they will be healers by intent or temperament. If you’re looking into metaphysical healing powers for weight loss you could possibly check that site out for acupressure healing properties. I wish you well on getting to the weight you wish to!

I mention various professions or occupations to give clear examples, but a mechanic may belong to this Tumold group, or to any group. In this case the mechanic would have a healing effect on the customers, and he would fixing more than cars.

The healers might also appear as politicians, however, psychically healing the wounds of the nation. An artist of any kind, whose work is primarily meant to help, also belongs in this category. We will find some heads of state, and –particular in the past–some members of royal families who also belong to this group.