I would very much like to complete this description with an example of a typical act of manifestation, one you may be familiar with as an eater of breakfast.

You the Blog Reader have possibly experienced the phenomenon of “making” your own breakfast. Let me just say that this is the perfect word for this process of creation. For you not only “make ” your breakfast, in the sense that you prepare the various elements of the meal, “the way you like it,” and put them on the plate, but you literally create – through a type of “telepathic rapport” with the atomic structures of the various elements – the foods contained in a meal.

I do like the term telepathic rapport. It describe quite nicely this sense of collaboration with all of the energies within your Personal Reality Field. You are ONE with all of the Conscious Units within your Personal Reality Field and you give direction to these elements to create your realities. This rapport may also be described as “attunement” – an ongoing correlation between your human Intuition and the countless atoms that comprise any particular event in your life. Let us now complete this section of our Blog Series with some experimentation that will hopefully illustrate for you the principles we have just discussed.

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