Creativity, dreams, and the actual formation of physical events.

At the same time understand our need for some kind of of precise terminology, even while we know that in certain terms the more “precise” we become for our our individual benefit, the more we may miss of greater issues that escape such boundaries. Also avoid many preconceptions that are connected with certain words.

Nevertheless,, in dreams we are intimately connected with the processes by which physical events are formed. Events, again, gain their characteristics from those significances that we place upon the universe as our own being impresses it with our beliefs, desires, and individual nature.


As a continent does not exist alone, but also in relationship to other physical formations, so in our terms we form events so that they fit into a mass framework. We form our own reality. We do not form it isolated and alone, however. We are aware of other events and take them into consideration, for example, regardless of appearances. We cannot force another person to experience an event he or she rejects. Nor can anyone act in like manner against us. So-called good or bad events each faithfully follows the inner mechanics.

In order to become physical, probable events must meet certain conditions, as it were. They must fall into the proper time and space slots. There must be a psychological fit also, certain intensities reached in terms of desire, beliefs, or intent. By intensity I do not necessarily mean effort, vehement desire, or determined conscious intent. I mean instead the collection of certain intangible qualities, precisely focused toward physical activity.


Physical events imply the collection of basically non-physical forces into an organization that exists initially outside of the time-space context. This is a psychological organization, consisting of a selection of chosen probable events. These wait in the wings, so to speak, for physical actualization. The final trigger for that actualization may come from the waking or dream states, but it will represent the final factor needed — the quickening of inspiration, desire, or purpose — that will suddenly activate the initial psychological organization as a physical occurrence.

The Electromagnetic Energy units are important because they exist in an electromagnetic sphere of activity, and they trigger certain responses in the brain and nervous system. Events themselves involve a steady condition of highly related fields of activity, however, that exist between the electromagnetic energy units, so to speak.


These fields involve psychological reactions, not physically perceivable, and yet as explosive in their way as a nuclear detonation. That is, these psychological activities “explode” into physical events by virtue of a transformation and a charge that allows purely mental acts to “break the time-space barrier” and emerge as realities in a physical world. In a way, the Electromagnetic Energy units occur on the furthest reaches of this activity. If an event where a physical craft such as a spaceship, the Electromagnetic Energy units would allow it to land in our world, but would not be the original propellants. Those propellants are psychic fields of interrelationship.


Let us use an analogy. Pretend that you are a planet, as indeed in certain terms you are. You exist in a highly complicated and sophisticated universe. You know that space is filled with all kinds of inhabitants, and we all compare these space inhabitants to probable events. As a planet you have certain characteristics. Some space inhabitants would not be able to land under those conditions at all. The conditions represent your own psychological individuality. You send out messages to the stars because you are lonely, and events or visitors are one of your main methods of gaining experience and knowledge. To land their own rocket ships, space travelers must enter our atmosphere and use its conditions while maintaining their own integrity. They must also have their own reasons for such a visit.

Any physical events is something like the impact of a rocket ship entering our world from “somewhere else.” Thoughts often seem to swim in and out of our system of consciousness, and we barely notice. Events often appear and disappear in the same manner, yet they have impressed our reality. We have attracted them to one extent or another, and they have been attracted to us. Momentarily a field of relatedness is set up that is highly charged, one that provides an inner path by which probable events can flow into our area of recognized events.


This path exists on psychological levels, and triggers our perceptive mechanisms, which then of course react and dutifully perceive. Our intent or purpose or belief is one of the main attractions. These serve as beams searching the universe, but the conditions of manifestation also exist. There must be a proper fit.

Our own universe is not isolated. It is simply the one that we perceive.


There are in a basic sense other universes within the one that we recognize, and constantly happening in those universes are other events of which we are unaware. The universes exist one within the other, so to speak, and their events also one within the other, so that while any given event seems itself only in the terms that we recognize, it is a part of endless others that exist one within the other, and it is impossible at certain levels to separate the “portions.”


Our daily life seems to give us little evidence of this. Our dreams, however, often contain this kind of interrelatedness. Because we perceive events in the way that we do, of course, we see the familiar physical universe. Dream events, not as precise in space and time, often serve as a framework through which some evidence of other universes can be glimpsed. No system is closed, so there are interactions, so to speak, between all universes. No psychological system is closed either, even while it retains an inviolate nature that is indestructible.

Dreams, then, operate as vast mass communicative networks, far more effective at certain levels of the psyche than, for example, television is at a physical level.


The dream state can be used then as a psychological or psychic platform to view other realities, and to glimpse the inner mechanics by which non-physical events become actualized in our world.

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